Use Genuine Profile Knives for W&H Molders

W&H Molders give craftsmen the ability to create high quality details in their products.  This detail is not possible without high quality, genuine Williams & Hussey profile knives.  

Professional caliber profiles are made by home hobbyists, millworkers, contractors, cabinet shops, boat restoration companies, home renovation/ restoration experts and many other industries with William & Hussey molders and knives.  

Choose from standard or custom W&H knives and add them to your collection.

knife collection

Standard Profile Knives

A standard knife is a tried and true companion to a molder. These are the most popular profile options from Williams & Hussey.  Knife sizes begin at 1" and increase by 1/2" increments up to 7".  
All W&H knives are made from high speed steel (HSS).  This type of knife provides good wear-resistance.
Profile knives are made in sets of 2 to ensure molding profiles have an accurate finish. 
Other advantages of genuine Williams & Hussey standard knives include:
  • Precision bolt hole alignment
  • Proper knife clearance
  • Angle back off.
Don't settle for alternatives, get the best!
Some of our standard profiles knives are kept in stock. Other standard profiles are cut and ground after the knife is ordered.

 Click here to order standard knives.

Custom Profile Knives

Custom knives are a popular option for renovation, restoration or when an "original" design is preferred.  There are multiple steps to ensure customers get what they are looking for.

custom knife

When a custom profile knife is produced, the customer becomes a client.  Personal correspondence and consultation time with our knife team ensures customers are satisfied with their made-to-order product.

  • We recommend a molding sample or a .dxf file is sent to us so an accurate replica can be made.
  • Need a new idea or to adapt a current profile?  We can help you come up with ideas or alternative solutions.  
  • After we have the sample or file, the profile is replicated.
  • The customer is contacted to approve the new profile. 
  • The custom profile is then created from HSS (high speed steel).
  • Next the knife is sharpened, carefully packaged and shipped to the customer.
Williams & Hussey is fortunate to have many satisfied, repeat customers.  Call us at (641) 843-3240, email at or mail us your sample to Williams & Hussey, 465 3rd Ave SE, Britt, IA 50423 to get the custom knife process started today.

    Knife Sharpening

    It's important to keep knives clean and sharp.  This will result in a smooth profile finish.  Send your knives to us for sharpening at our facility:

    Williams & Hussey Machine and Tool Co.

    465 3rd Ave. SE 

    Britt, IA  50423

    Our sharpening tech will inspect each set of knives for any damage and proper knife thickness.  If rework is needed to repair damaged knives, our knife team will be in direct contact with customers.  Sharpening services are generally completed within 1-2 business days.

    Think of Williams & Hussey for all your knife needs!

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    • Look for window sach profile knifes

      jerry Davis on

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